POWER OF ATTORN[\ ..:.nm\ all b) thc:-c prc,cnt, that the unJcr-,igned hcrcb~ COl1'titutcs um.I J)'points cuch ol' OJ\ id J. Mano. fame!> :-,iiM:o and Am~ .lacbon A~ .,la ,,fCaladriu.., Aioc;cicncc!>. Inc. (the .. Compan) .. ). and kffrc} P. Schulu and Jod Papcmil of MintL. Lc\'in. Cohn. 1·cms. Glm ,I.) and P11pco, l'.C .. ,i!c!ning sing I~. ,, 1th lull fKl" er of ,ub'.>tit11tion. the 1J1Hkr<.ignl·d ·, rruc and Iii\\ ful attornc> •in-fact to: l) c\ccuh: nnd deli\!cr for and on bchul r of the undc~ig.111:J. foml'> and auth\.'ntication documcni-. for l D<. iAR Filing t\<:~s; 2) do and pcrfonn un) and .111 ac1' for anJ un hchal r of the urHlcr~i£nC'd \\ hkh ma~ he ncccs!l:t': or <lc~ir:,hlc to complete .ind c,ccutc an~ ,uch fonm and authcntkmion documents: 3) c~t.-cutc and ddivcr for and on bchalfof die 1mtler~igncd. in th.: undcr~igned'~ capacit> as an otlic4.!r. director and/or I0° o shareholder of the Com pan). Fonn~ :-. .i and ~ in accordance with Sett ion I 6(:1) of the Sccuritic" r:whan~c Acl of I t)}-t and thl.' rule, thl.'rcundcr . .J) Jo :md pcrfonn an) and all .,cir, for and on behalf of 1hc undersigned whid1 nH1) he nccc~~m, t•r Jl.'sir:ihlc tn complete .ind execute an~ ~ui:h I unn 3 . .J or 5 :md timcl) lilc ~uch fonn \\ ith lhc I nitcd ~talc~ Securitic:, and I·. ,than~c Commission .ind :my stoi:k csd,angc. self-rcgulu1ory or simil3r au1horit): and 5) talc uny other action of an) t) pc \\.lum,oi.:vcr in connection \\ irh the foregoing which. in the l1pi11io11 of !-lll.'h ouomcy-in•fact. may be of bcncfil IO. in the hcs1 interest ot: 11r k!,!..illy rl'quirl.'d h~ the undcrs,gncu. it hdng umkr<-1ood thal the document ~ l"\l'Cutcd b) ,udl nl\urrw~ -in-fact 011 he halt' of the undcr~ii,:ncd plll ,uant to lhi, P,1\\Cr of ,\ttoOIC) ~h.111 he in ,11ch fonn and ,hull cont:lin ,uch tcnn, and conditions a, ~uch :1uomc>-in-fac1 um~ appro\c in .. uch ;1uomey-in-tiu:1\ dbcn:1ion. The undersigned hcrch~ grun1s to each such allornc}·in•fact full power and authurit~ to <11., and perform :in)' and e\C~ ,tel and rhin).! "lunsoc, er rc1.1uisitc. necess,11). or prorcr 111 hi! dom• in tlic ,:.l(c:rcise of tlll} of th,: righ1s und Jl{l\\ er::. herein grantc.-d. a, full) 10 all in1cnt!> and purpo!l.c, a, the undcr,i~ncd mi!,!hl or could do it'per,cmnll) prc ... c111. wi1h full pcm er of suh-;tilution or n.•\ ocation, hcrcb~ ratil~ ing ;md Cl1nfinnin~ all that ~uch allomc~ -in-fort. or ~111:h allomcy· in-fact's !,ub,tirntc <ir suh~litulc'>. ,t,all l,m fully do <lr CalN' tu he done b) \'ir1uc of thi~ Po\\cr of Allorne} .mu the ri_ghb anu p<1,, er hcrcin l!ra111ed. The undcr..igncd oclml\\ lcdltc~ lhill the foregoing attome} !,.-in.fact. m sen ing in c,uo.;h cap:icit~ at the rc'4w,t of the undcr<;igncc.J. arc nut U!l.!>uminl?, nor i!, lhc C.'mnpan> a.,suminl!. (i) an~ of the undcr-.igncd\ n:,pon!.ihilitil.'~ hl compl) ,,ith the requirements of rhc E:o..changc .'\ct or an) linhilit} for lhc u11tkr-.igm:d ·., failure lo com pl> "ith \llCh rc4uin:mcn1,; or (ii) :my ohligmion or liahilit)· that the undcr!\igned incur,. for profit di,gort1cmcn1 under Section 16(h) of the Sccuritil'!> 1..,changc Act of 1934. as am~'f1Jcd. l"hi!> Power of Attornc} shall remain in full force and cflcct until the undcr<;i~ncJ is no longc:r rl~quircd 10 tile l·onm, 3, 4 unu 5 n i1h rc~pcct to the undersigned'~ hol<linl!~ of unJ 1r:m~11ctiom, in ,ccuriric, isi;ucd h~ clic Company. unk,, c.irlier rcH1led by the unllcr!lignl'J in a signcll \\riling l.leli\'crcd lO the lcm:goint attnmc~,·tn·lact. l"hi!- Po\\ er of :\ttornc~ doc=.-. nt11 rl'\ okc an~ other flO" er of unorncy that the undersigned har, pre\· iow,I) ~mntcd. 111.J \\ 111\[SS \VI II.IU-01'. the 11111.lersi~ncd ha-. '"au,co 1hi!. P,1,\cr of Attomc) to he cxc~ulc:d 1hb I<>'" day nf Aui:ust 202:?. . J ~ /;~/ ~ :::::::<:: Signature David W, Slack Print r-:ume